I've never had a push button prime factor generator before.
You can easily check if a number is prime. It only has one prime factor: itself.
It's easy to generate a large prime number. Just type in a long random number and get its prime factors. If one of the factors is large, you've found a large prime number. If you don't get one, try changing your random number slightly.
For example: 384339387 gives 3,37,3462517. So 3462517 is a nice large prime number.
I like adding an extra digit and seeing what factors come out:
number | prime factors |
11 | 11 |
111 | 3,37 |
1111 | 11,101 |
11111 | 41,271 |
111111 | 3,7,11,13,37 |
1111111 | 239,4649 |
11111111 | 11,73,101,137 |
111111111 | 3,3,37,333667 |
1111111111 | 11,41,271,9091 |
11111111111 | 21649,513239 |
111111111111 | 3,7,11,13,37,101,9901 |
All the numbers with an even number of ones have the factor 11. And those with 4, 8 and 12 ones have factors of 11 and 101 because 1111 = 11 X 101.
Those with an odd number of ones have only two prime factors, except 111111111 (nine ones). I wonder if there's something going on here?
Oh no, the next number lets me down: 1111111111111 has factors 53,79 and 265371653.
If you find any interesting patterns with this prime factors calculator, let me know.
number pattern calculator
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