Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Multiplying and Dividing Fractions

Last week we talked about adding and subtracting fractions, which most of us know is a very difficult subject for students. This week I want to add to this discussion and give some helpful websites to help students multiply and divide fractions. I think it is vitally important that students be proficient in working with fractions on all levels and with all types of computations. I have found in the past that students will know how to do a problem conceptually, but will struggle with simple computations, mostly involving fractions. Students need to be comfortable with these common computations so that they can start thinking of mathematics on a more difficult and conceptual level in higher classes.

The following is a list of websites that include games, interactives, practice items, and lessons that help students with multiplying and dividing fractions. Please feel free to add to this list as you explore this subject further. Also, please share those findings with the rest of us.

Lesson on Multiplying and Dividing Fractions

This website has two lessons. Lesson 1 involves multiplying fractions while lesso! n 2 works through dividing fractions. Both lessons have an ext! ensive l ist of practice problems with answers that students can use to check for understanding.

Math Workout: Multiplying and Dividing Fractions

These two websites are from the same source. These websites allow students to practice and work on dividing and multiplying fractions.

Multiplying and Dividing Fractions by Using Circles

These sites allow students to see the multiplication and division of fractions visually by using circles.

Dividing Fractions

This site allows students to enter their own fractions and then shows a detailed explanation of how the student’s problem was completed.

Math Playground: Multiplying Fractions

This website allows students to practice their skills on computer generated problems.

These are just a few of the activities that are available to students online. I hope that this is helpful in getting you started with your search. Next week we will move into another difficult subject, factoring.

Answers for dividing fraction

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